nbysani2 (at illinois)
possibly last commit git-svn-id: htt... was committed by btowal2
Monday Mar 16
changeset -
cahnged the makefile git-svn-id: htt... was committed by nbysani2 01:12 PM changeset
fractal module is done but may have e... was committed by btowal2
Friday Mar 13
changeset -
fratacal handling git-svn-id: https:... was committed by nbysani2 02:40 AM changeset
better error handling. git-svn-id: h... was committed by nbysani2 01:49 AM changeset
Implemented peer list. Just realized ... was committed by asjacob2 01:47 AM changeset
Okay, now peer list updates should be... was committed by asjacob2 01:47 AM changeset
maybe it's working.. git-svn-id: htt... was committed by nbysani2 01:47 AM changeset
lots of gui and random stuff.. git-s... was committed by nbysani2 01:35 AM changeset
jobs atleast get asserted to themselv... was committed by nbysani2
Thursday Mar 12